Fire Safety Equipment
UK Manufacturer of Fire Safety Equipment
As a UK manufacturer, we are committed to providing you quality, reliable fire safety equipment. Our collection comprises multiple ranges of fully certified fire extinguishers, including our UK made Premium Range. We also produce our own range of automatic fire suppression systems, PAFSS. Our market-leading fully certified fire blankets are produced on-site in our factory as is our comprehensive range of safety signs. We also offer a wide range of fire accessories.
Discover the Jactone range or contact our team

We provide a range of fire extinguisher types that are essential for fighting the different classes of fire. Our range of fire extinguishers includes; CO2, Foam, Powder, Water, Water Mist and Wet Chemical extinguishers.

PAFSS® Fire Suppression Systems
PAFSS fire suppression systems detect automatically at the source of a fire and extinguish it early, minimising the damage to valuable assets and enabling a quicker recovery of operations.

Fire Blankets
and Textiles
Our Premium Range fire blankets are manufactured in the UK and certified to BS EN 1869:2019. We also produce a range of multi purpose welding drapes and curtains and extinguisher covers.

Fire Equipment Accessories
We offer a large range of Fire Equipment Accessories including; Fire Point Trolleys, Extinguisher Stands, Extinguisher and Equipment Cabinets and more…

FLAIM Virtual Reality Fire Safety Training
FLAIM fire safety training is an immersive learning solution for fire extinguisher training.
With 65+ industry specific scenarios, you are able to conduct contextualised training and engage learners with real-world fires in places they recognise.

Safety and Information Signs
Our range of safety signs includes signs and symbols for, extinguisher identification, fire action, fire equipment, mandatory instruction, means of escape and more…

We closely monitor changes in industry standards and trends and work continuously to improve the quality of our products to keep you safe today and tomorrow.

Product development is at the heart of what we do. This ensures we are market leaders in responding to certification, legislation and market changes.

Technical Expertise
At Jactone we have a real root and branch knowledge of the products we manufacture and supply. In fact, we are really passionate about them.

As you would expect from a UK company that is committed to quality, reliability and safety, we adhere to all industry standards and quality systems.